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1.The project number МУЗ 2015- 0725140051 “forming the dictionary of english-russian-uzbek phrases and using it practically in improving  the speech of children at primary education” which won the competition of young scholars’ practical projects in 2016-2017 is being carried out by the PhD G.Jumanazarova. 2.3.4.  The amount of 19:00 men soums was spent for the  monography called the use of phrases    in oral speech “Turon” zamin ziyo 2017,125 p and the  methodology of learning phrase in the children of primary education have been prepared as well as two articles in international magazines, an article in Rtepublic magazines, 3 theses in foreign confrences, 9 theses in Republic meetings have been come out in accordance with the project.
  1. The treaty called 02-1-1087-2009/2017 гэсследования по физике релятивистких тажелых и легих ионов нуклотроне, СПС и СИС 18“ has been signed in contact with the institute of the United Nuclear Research( Russia, Дивна сay).
6.The contract will be put into practice from 19,05,2015 to 31,12,2017.
  1. a five-year treatment №304.22.03.2016 has been signed between our institute and Boshqirdiston state of university on March 22 in 2016.
8.The contracts have been signed in contract with Moscow state university the institute of Norvich in Great Britain and  Taraz state – pedagogicaluniversity in kazakhistan according to 9.It means to increase scientific contracts to mountain to exchange undergraduate and postgraduate student`s as well as self-learners` and teachers` experiences according to this agreement. – 1.Our institute have made international andscientific contacts  with Moscow State pedagogical university  (U.Ф.А), Moscow State economical,statistic and information university Jaderniy physicists institute (Russia) Norwich State pedagogical institute (Kazakistan) . – 2. Phd O.Abdullayev with the methodology of teaching maths has had a scientific trip in Boshkirdiston state university from the 24th of August to 7th of September.Consequently 2 students have been accepted to study their master od degree there. – 3.The dean of the faculty of foreign language professor A.Mamatoiv participated in the international conference held in taraz state pedagogical institute in October 20,in 2017 0wing to the letter №15 -38/1-1099 letter of Taraz state pedagogical institute. – 4.Dr Salixov gafur Gubayevich and professor Ishberdin Abrat Rimovich from Boshkirdiston state university visited our institute from the 31st of October to the 5th of November in 2007.As a result,they made lecture,seminar and matter classes skilfully with our students.   Nowadays the base doctoral studies on the following specialities is functioned. – 03.00.05- Botany. -10.00.04- Languages and Literature of Europen Countries. -10.00.01- Uzbek Language. -10.00.02- Uzbek literature. JSPI  “Interactive Services” scientific  activity “Results of scientific research work and innovative projects”. Results of scientific research and innovative projects. Nowadays professors of the Institute are constantly involved in scientific research.In order to attract professors to scientific research work, the scientific methodical seminars arte organised At the faculty of Peddagogy and technologize the education,art the Faculty of Physics-mathematics on thr theme “Nuclear Particle of Physics”, at the faculty of Natural  Sciences on the theme “Natural Sciences  and modern methods  of teaching it” at the  Faculty of Foreign languages on the  theme “Actual ” Problems of philological sciences scientific seminars  are lead. All protected researches  are  encouraged to, go, through this seminar and to be prptected.In  seminars the researchers of  SamSU,TSPU,UzNU,JPI, Dizakh region retraining course of pedagogical staff institute, Nav SPI,Kohard SPI,Nukus SPI,Tashkent region SPI and also Jizakh Military high school will attend. In 2017,two pedagogues  (A.Nurmanov,G.Jumanazarov were trained on the degree  of Doctor of Science and  R.Yarmatov  maintains a basic (PhD) doctoral degree. In the field of scientific and scientific – pedagogical  personnal training in 2017 it is planned that to protect the following teachers: – B.Mirkomilov,R.Abdurasulov presented to seminar of specialized counsil in order to defence a  scientific degree of doctor of  philosophy. D.Abdullayeva,J.Ergashev,SAkhmedov,F.Rabbimovaq,N.Eshonkulova,U.Farmonov,F.Toshboyev,Q.Tuhtamurodov,A.Qurbonov,M.Muqimov,I.Rustamov,F.Abdurakhmonov,A.Musayev,F.Jumayeva,D.Salimova,B.Boltayeva,M.Usmonov,O.Avalboyev,Kh.Khamzayev,G.Azimov presented to seminar of specialized council in order to defensce doctor of philosophy (the defencing until 20.20 was made by 250 pedagogic workers of chair and there made special swchedule). In institute under the guidance of prof KH.A.Turaqulov, R.Bekmirzayev, Kh.Mavlonov,  M.Kholbekov, U,Rakhmonqulov,Z.Pardayeva, B.Ochilova, F.Akhmedshena, U.Jumanazarov  the scientific school is working. In these schools recent years there  have done (massive) most scientific -investigative projects.

 Working with talented students

At the institute regular work with talented students is carried out according to the plan. According to the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan from March 23,2017 “On the organization and carrying out of higher educational institutions” № 162 Republican Olympiad on “Uzbek language” (general professionalism) was held at Jizzak State Pedagogical Institute on 12-13 May, 2017. In accordance with the order of the rector of the institute dated April 25, 2017, № 341, students have developed the working plan of the Republican Olympiad and the plan of measures. 11 teams from the Republic’s higher educational institutions attended the II stage of the Republican Olympiad. In 2017, five talented students of the Institute are eligible to participate in national Olympiads:
  • 1st year student of Foreign Languages DepartmentOzotovaOzodaAlimboyqizi took the first palce in Uzbek Republican Subject Olympiad on Uzbek Language (general professionalism).
  • KubayevaNafisaAlisherqizi, 1st year student of Foreign Languages Department, took the second place in Russian Language(general professionalism).
  • 4th year student of Physics and Mathematics Faculty, DustqulovJahongirMuhiddino’g’li took the third place in the subject of “Information Science and Information Technology” (general professionalism).
  • 4th year student of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty QayumovaSitoraNorpo’latqizi and the 3rd year student of the School of Primary and Secondary Education NorovaNargizaXalmamatqizi took the second place in the competition, which was not included in the list of the Olympic Games according to point 6 of the Charter.
The order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan from September 28, 2017 “About assignment of the state grant of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the students of the Republic higher educational institutions for the 2017/2018 academic year” the following students were awarded the following State Scholarships (Navoi, Beruni, Ulugbek, Ibn Sino, Imam al-Bukhari, IslomKarimov):
Full name of the student Direction State Scholarship Scientific supervisor
1 XidirovaMaftuna Hasan qizi Uzbek language and literature Navoi docent N.Soatova
2 RavshanovaAdolatRavshanqizi Biology teaching methodology Navoi docent D.Imomova
3 AbdualimovAlisherSamandaro’g’li Primary education and sports education Navoi docent N.Usmonov
4 SindarovBunyodjonAbduvahobo’g’li Physics– astronomy teaching methodology IslomKarimov prof. R.Bekmirzayev
  There are 25 circles in the chairs of the institute, where more than 1,170 students participate. The talented students are assigned to the qualified professors-teachers, and from the second year they are provided with a degree of graduation.

Productivity of scientific research works

Over a three-year period, 7 textbooks, 11 handbooks, 19 methodical manuals, 6 methodical guidebooks, 7 monographs, 140 theses in HAC recognized journals, 267 in HAC unrecognized journals, 720 in collection of scientific assemblies, 160 magazines, 469 in scientific assemblies of Republic, 160 in foreign scientific assemblies were published by professor-teachers.
  • The professor-teachers of institute took patents.
-e-textbooks of online lesson presentation// Intellectual Property Agency (IPA) of Republic of Uzbekistan, Official reportage- Tashkent-2016-№2 (166) –P 151. 08.06.2016 (Certificate №03776) – e- IT textbook for 5th class// Official reportage- Tashkent- 2016- №5 (169) – P: 311-312. 21.06.2016 (Certificate № 03813) – e – video textbook for windows- 7 operation system. – OS of teaching mathematics by integrative approach. – Computer graphics (electron methodical collection)

Innovation Projects

   According to the “law about Education” of Republic of Uzbekistan and modern requirements, which were indicated in the national system of preparation of the staffs, they are the main tasks of their work to improve scientific research works to enhance the scientific capability to prepare personals who can respond to requirements of State Educational Standards of Higher Pedagogic Education and have high moral and spiritual dignities. The Staffs of institute are giving high attention to the personals in order to develop scientific research, to increase their productivity and to increase the quality of lessons. The degree of the President and cabinet of ministry of Uzbekistan called, “ About the measurement of development the managing and increasing science and technology” is important instruction for scientific – researches. In accordance with the program of cooperation in 2017, the following activities have been carried out. Almost all faculties and departments of the institute have established cooperation with the leading scientific institutions of our Republic. In particular, the Institute of Philosophy, History, Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Navoi State Museum of Literature, Physics and Solar Institute, Institute of Botany, PFITI named after Kori Niyazi, as well as NUU, SamSU, Nizami TSPU, SamDChTU, TSTU, UzJDU, FarDU, Navoi DPI, Kokand DPI, Nukus DPI, Tashkent Region DPI , Specialized centers for the development of higher and secondary special and professional education, on the basis of mutually agreed contracts, training and retraining of highly qualified pedagogical personnel, development of scientific researches. The Professors and teachers of our institute are actively participating annually conducted training courses at the institutes of higher education and research center by  the Fund of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Istedod” which is dedicated for promoting advanced training of young pedagogues and academics.