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I. General rules

    • 1. Jizzakh State Pedagogical University (hereinafter – the University) was established by the decision № PD-289  of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 21, 2022 on “Measures to increase the quality of pedagogical education and to develop the activities of higher educational institutions that train pedagogical personnel”. The university is the legal successor of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute in terms of all rights, obligations and contracts.
    • 2. The university is considered a state institution of higher education and engages in educational activities for the implementation of basic and additional (or only basic) educational programs of higher education. It also carries out educational-pedagogical, scientific-methodical and other activities and provides educational services in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
    • 3. In its activities, the University follows the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education”, decisions of the chambers of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, orders of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
    • 4. The university ensures the training of highly qualified personnel in the fields of undergraduate education and master’s degrees. Also, the University organizes second and subsequent higher education on the basis of the contract.
5. Forms of education at the university are as follows:
    • – education in isolation from production (full- time);
    • – education without separation from production (external).
In accordance with the legislation, other forms of education can be introduced in the institution.
  • 6. The university is a legal entity. It owns property in operational management, responds in accordance with its obligations regarding this property, purchases property on its own behalf and exercises property and non-property rights, undertakes obligations, it can be a plaintiff and a defendant in court. The university possesses an independent balance sheet, personal treasury account numbers in the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan or its relevant departments, bank account numbers in national and foreign currencies, whose name is indicated in the state language and of the Republic of Uzbekistan , a seal with the image of the national emblem, a corresponding seal, a stamp, symbols and requisites necessary for its activity.
  • 7. The university carries out its activities in mutual cooperation with state economic management bodies, local state authorities, personnel contractors and other organizations, including foreign partner organizations.

Official name of the university:

In native language: Jizzax davlat pedagogika universiteti (JDPU)

In English: Jizzakh State Pedagogical University (JSPU)

In Russian: Джизакский Государственный педагогический Университет (ДГПУ)

The address of the University:

4, Sharof Rashidov str, Jizzakh city, 130100.

The university has its official website in the Internet system.

II. The main purpose, tasks and functions of the university

  • 8. The main goal of the University is to train competitive, highly qualified, highly educated specialists and scientific-pedagogical personnel who are all-round developed, value the motherland, feel their responsibility to the state and society, conscientiously and honestly working for the future of the country, respect national and universal values, unconditionally obey the laws.
  • 9. Based on the main goal, the following are the main tasks of the University:
  • providing training of highly qualified, creatively thinking, honest personnel based on modern requirements, advanced international experience and the needs of the labor market;
  • training of bachelors and masters on the basis of curricula and programs that ensure fundamental, basic, and practical professional training of students in relevant fields of economy;
  • based on the needs of employers, to utilize modern forms and methods of teaching, wide use of pedagogical, innovative, information and communication technologies, which ensure the development of analytical thinking and professional skills in students, independent acquisition of new knowledge and the formation of skills;
  • introducing the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, organizing the educational process by using the system of transfer and accumulation of international conditional units (credits) of determining the size of the student’s educational load;
  • atrengthening the teaching staff of the institution with specialists with high professional pedagogical skills, legal and political culture;
  • activating the cooperation with leading educational and scientific institutions of developed foreign countries, joint education and scientific research, exchange of professors and teachers and students;
  • wide involvement in the training process of specialists with practical experience in state and economic administration, relevant sectors of the economy and other organizations, the creation of an effective system for improving their qualifications, the involvement of highly qualified specialists, leading educational and research institutions of foreign countries in the organization of educational, scientific and methodical work;
  • creation of training kits and manuals in relevant educational areas and their introduction into educational processes;
  • implementation of joint training programs (double degree) for staff training together with foreign partners, active involvement of foreign scientists and specialists in the educational process;
  • to increase the scientific and pedagogical potential of the university by regularly sending promising young specialists to republican and foreign higher educational institutions and scientific institutions for training in master’s and doctoral studies;
  • organization of placement of electronic educational programs, textbooks, research papers, articles, presentations, multimedia educational products, audio and video recordings of lectures and other content in the information system “Management of Higher Education Processes”.

Based on the decision of the University Council:

  • a) internships and advanced training of teaching staff in prestigious foreign organizations of higher education and scientific institutions, with the conclusion of a contract providing for 3 years of work in a higher educational institution;
  • b) implementation of expenses related to the training of teachers on the basis of doctoral programs of prestigious foreign higher education organizations and scientific institutions, with the formalization of a contract providing for 5 years of employment in a higher education institution;
  • c) allocating necessary funds for strengthening the material and technical base of the state educational and scientific-research institutions operating under the higher education institution, construction, current and capital repair, reconstruction and equipment works.
  • d) using of international assessment programs (PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS) and STEAM standards, introduction of modern forms, methods and technologies of teaching and assessment of concrete and natural sciences and training of pedagogues with this knowledge and skills;
  • e) carrying out scientific-research works and implement the results in practical life, which have priority in the relevant sectors of the national economy and are based on production needs;
  • f) implementation of scientific-research and experimental-construction works and involving students in these works;
  • g) creating an open, transparent, subjectivity- and abuse-free learning environment by implementing the HEMIS platform or other systems aimed at automatic management of the higher education system;
  • h) creating an effective system for spiritual and moral education of students, increasing their legal, political culture and legal consciousness, forming and developing their patriotism, high moral and ethical qualities, and a sense of intolerance to corruption.

10. In order to fulfill its tasks, the university performs the following functions:

  • forming cilivil society on the basis of state educational standards, democratic and legal reforms in the country and training of highly qualified personnel in relevant fields of the economy that meet the high requirements of modern international standards;
  • takes measures to widely attract highly qualified personnel with legal and political culture, practical work experience, professional and pedagogical skills to the educational process, also cooperates with relevant organizations;
  • conducts the education programs aimed at developing students’ systematic analysis, creative thinking and practical skills in relevant areas of the economy and programs developed in accordance with universally recognized international educational standards and requirements using the credit-module system of teaching the educational process and innovative teaching methods;
  • uses curriculum and programs and educational-methodical materials in the educational process aimed at developing systematic analysis, creative thinking and professional skills, as well as educational and methodological materials based on the needs of employers and by taking into account the deepening of independent training of students;
  • o’quv jarayonida axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalarini keng qo’llash, talabalar, o’qituvchilar va yosh tadqiqotchilarni global axborot va ta’lim resurslaridan foydalanish imkoniyatlarini kengaytiradi;
  • expands students, teachers and young researchers’ opportunities of using of information and communication technologies in the educational process and using global information and educational  resources;
  • independently implements the standardization of the work of professors and teachers based only on educational activities and encourages the performance of scientific-methodical, scientific-research, organizational-methodical, spiritual-ethical and educational work by pedagogical staff;
  • develops scientific and educational materials Scientific and methodological materials aimed at solving the scientific and methodological tasks of the field of pedagogy and introducing advanced foreign technologies in order to introduce the results of research conducted by the university into curricula and educational programs;
  • strengthens cooperation with leading foreign scientific and educational institutions, analytical and research centers, international organizations on on the systematic basis of training and internship of pedagogues and scientific staff, conducting scientific research, attracting foreign specialists to the educational process, as well as ensuring academic exchange of students;
  • applies the system of transfer and summation of conditional units (credits) for determining the size of the student’s educational load and of wider use of international experience
  • organizes scientific and research works together with state and economic management bodies and other organizations, provides mutual integration of higher education, science and law enforcement, and improvement of effectiveness;
  • improves the credit-module system of teaching and methods of evaluating students’ knowledge, widely uses modern information and communication technologies in the educational process, and improves the educational base;
  • continuously implements cooperation with leading educational and scientific institutions of developed foreign countries, joint education and scientific research, exchange of professors and teachers and students;
  • independently implements joint educational programs (double degree) together with foreign partners, for the training of pedagogical personnel, actively involves foreign scientists and specialists in the educational process;
  • implements appropriate measures to ensure the compliance of dissertation work for the Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science degrees with modern requirements, priority directions of pedagogical science and practice;
  • creates a modern educational and material-technical base in order to fulfill the tasks, provides educational, scientific-research units, departments with modern technical means of teaching, information and communication systems and software complexes;
  • creates oppotunities for the specialists who are capable of developing the scientific and creative potential of Uzbekistan and creates opportunities for highly talented people to demonstrate and develop their abilities in relevant fields of knowledge and specific fields of science, to realize their unique talent;
  • implements comprehensive measures to improve the spiritual and moral education of students, to develop students into full-fledged members of society, patriots, conscientious and honest workers, mature specialists of their profession through various forms, methods and means of education;
  • takes measures to help students spend their leisure time meaningfully, to develop feelings of national pride, patriotism and self-sacrifice in young people, and to form their worldview;
  • carries out activities aimed at widely promoting spiritual values and national culture, ensuring the spiritual development of readers, increasing their interest in the masterpieces of national and world culture, and developing their worldview;
  • expands opportunities for foreign citizens to receive pedagogical education in order to increase the university’s international rating and competitiveness,;
  • ensures that the weekly training sessions for students of the 2nd and 4th level studying in the form of full-time education at the university are conducted in the “4+2” order, 4 days of classes are conducted in a higher education institution, 2 days in pre-school and general secondary educational institutions in the order of practice;
  • provides the information-resource center with printed and book products of legal, socio-political and economic content, as well as educational, scientific and other literature, including a fund of foreign literature, technical means of teaching and ensures regular updating of global information-legal and educational resources;
  • organizes educational laboratories in physics, chemistry, biology and technological education, equipped with modern equipment and facilities at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of the University
  • takes measures to send at least 5 percent of professors and teachers of specialized departments to foreign countries on a competitive basis for training and internships at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of these institutions.

III. Students, listeners and researchers of the university

  • a) Students:
  • 11. Admission of students to the institution is a rating system of points collected by the State Commission for admission to educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the results of entrance exams (tests, professional (creative) exam, written exam). is carried out according to Admission to the university is carried out on the basis of equal rights for all (grant, fee-contract), uniform admission rules and uniform selection, and applicants who have scored the highest points in tests and professional (creative) exams are awarded the first state grants the right to be admitted in line is ensured. The rest of the applicants have the right to be accepted within the payment-contract quotas established on the basis of the sequence of test scores. In accordance with the legislation, admission to studies is carried out in accordance with the established procedure, even on the basis of a certain privilege, without tests. Admission of foreign citizens is carried out in accordance with the current legislation. In accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for obtaining second and further education in higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 606 of September 24, 2021, persons with higher education can enter the University for further higher education, they can be admitted to study on the basis of a payment-contract (agreement). Applicants who have successfully passed the entrance exams on the basis of joint education programs and have fulfilled the terms of the contract within the quotas of the contract have the right to be admitted. A person admitted to study by the order of the rector of the university is considered a student of the institution.

12.University students have the following rights:

  • acquiring knowledge corresponding to the achievements of science, technology, and modern technologies;
  • free use of books, periodicals, electronic educational tools available in the University Information Resource Center;
  • receiving free advice, recommendations, free use of training halls and tools related to the educational process;
  • free use of auditoriums tools and related to the educational process in the established order;
  • expressing their suggestions and critical opinions to the management of the educational institution, the dean’s office and the department and demand their consideration in order to improve the efficiency of the educational process and the quality of education;
  • participating in university and faculty-wide public events;
  • participating in scientific research works and scientific conferences and publishing their results and providing information about it;
  • being a member of legally functioning public associations of the University and participating in their work;
  • o’qishdan tashqari vaqtlarda ma’naviy-ma’rifiy, obodonlashtirish, ko’kalamzorlashtirish va boshqa qonunchilikka zid bo’lmagan jamoat ishlarida ishtirok etish;
  • participating in spiritual-educational, greening and other public works that do not ontradict the law during non-study hours;
  • work in the institution of higher education, as well as in other places during their free times from studies;
  • using other rights that do not contradict legal documents necessary for the student to receive a high-quality and high level of education, to become a highly qualified specialist in the chosen specialty;
  • protection against all forms of harassment and violence against women and appealing through the protection network of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education (1006 hotline or protection bot) or to law enforcement agencies about the oppression and violence against them;
  • The student must not abuse his rights, use these rights for purposes contrary to the interests of other persons.

13. Students’ obligations are as follows:

  • fulfilling the requirements of the curriculum and programs within the specified time and acquiring knowledge independently;
  • complying with this Charter, University internal labor regulations, Code of Conduct, Student Residence Regulations and anti-corruption program;
  • preserving university buildings and other properties, fulfilling the obligations on the payment contract in time;
  • getting a good education to become a highly educated and highly moral specialist to serve the country and people honestly, forming and improving one’s professional potential;
  • strictly following the moral principles of the society, our spiritual values, the requirements of the law, and the rules that meet the high requirements of mutual relations during the education process;
  • getting in-depth theoretical knowledge in the chosen specialty, to develop practical skills in the future profession;
  • learning to develop the skills of systematic analysis of all issues and creative thinking in the course of education;
  • to obey the requirements of the educational process, not to leave classes without a good reason, not to be late for classes, not to leave before the class is finished;
  • performing tasks related to the educational process in a timely and quality manner, performing the tasks of teachers related to mastering the subject in a timely manner and at the required level, coming to classes with the necessary educational tools;
  • to have a strong relationship with the relevant department and deanery, to fulfill the legal tasks of the deanery management in a timely manner; to show initiative and enthusiasm in acquiring knowledge, not to allow indifference;
  • get along with everyone;
  • to treat the property of the University with care and economy, not to damage it intentionally or carelessly, to compensate for the damage in case of damage in accordance with the established procedure, not to take material items out of the auditorium or the building without permission;
  • to observe sanitary rules, not to pollute, not to allow the distribution and consumption of alcohol and tobacco products inside the building, on corridors, in auditoriums;
  • to observe the dress code, in particular not to be distinguished from others by appearance and bad behavior, unconditional obedience to the norms of morality;
  • in the case of not coming to the training session (including due to illness), notify the dean’s office directly or through the assigned tutor within three days, in particular in writing, and indicate the reasons for non-participation;
  • in case of participating in the grants of foreign organizations, to notify the dean of the faculty about this, to obtain the approval of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education in accordance with the established procedure before going abroad in connection with the grant;
  • to regularly improve one’s scientific, spiritual-ethical, ideological-political level, to be aware of reforms and updates in the social, economic and political spheres implemented in our country;
  • to comply with educational discipline, University Council decisions, rector’s orders, goals and tasks set forth in normative legal documents on the educational system, as well as one’s obligations.
  • Other obligations may be imposed on students in accordance with legislation.

14. Students are prohibited in the campus from followings:

  • distribution and consumption of alcohol and tobacco products;
  • preparation, storage, distribution and propagation of any form of materials promoting national, racial, religious enmity;
  • damage to material and technical and other property in the university buildings and territory;
  • to go to foreign countries during studies without the permission of the University administration.
  • 15. Univerity students can be sent to leading foreign educational institutions with academic exchange programs and contracts with foreign partners based on University’s extra-budgetary funds, as well as grants from international and foreign organizations. In order to strengthen cooperation with leading foreign educational institutions on ensuring academic exchange of students, students from foreign countries can continue their studies at the University.
  • 16. Students receiving education on the basis of state grants and on the basis of a stipend payment-contract in the form of education separated from production are provided with a stipend in the manner and amount determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (except for foreign students). Students have the right to receive state scholarships named after the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and special scholarships of the University based on the relevant normative legal documents.
  • 17. University students may be granted with academic leave for military service, recovery of health, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as child care, care of a sick family member (father, mother or their substitutes, spouse, child). The procedures for granting this leave are defined in the Regulation on granting academic leave to students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated June 3, 2021 No. 344.
  • 18. In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, students studying in the form of full-time education are allowed to postpone the term of military service during their studies at a higher educational institution.
  • 19. Depending on the capacity of the University’s student accommodation, students in need will be provided with a place in the University’s student accommodation that meets sanitary standards and regulations. The fee for student housing is determined by the University Council, taking into account the fees for utility services in student housing. In the presence of students in need of accommodation, it is not allowed to use the space of student accommodation of the higher education institution for other purposes (renting, other agreements).
  • 20. A student who has been expelled from the university has the right to return to study based on the procedures and rules for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students determined by the Cabinet of Ministers. University students have the right to transfer their studies to other higher education institutions (resuming studies) based on established procedures and rules. It is forbidden to transfer (reinstatement) from non-state higher education institutions and branches of higher education institutions of other countries (centers, departments, educational and counseling centers, etc.) that do not have a license to conduct educational activities in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The procedure and rules for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students from one higher educational institution to another are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • 21. It is forbidden to involve students in work unrelated to the educational process at the expense of study time, except for the cases provided for by the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • 22. Talaba o’ziga yuklatilgan majburiyatlarni buzgan taqdirda unga nisbatan hayfsan va talabalar safidan chetlashtirish intizomiy jazo choralari qo’llaniladi.

23. A student may be expelled from the university in the following cases:

  • a) at a student’s will;
  • b) in connection with the transfer of studies to another educational institution;
  • g) for violating academic discipline and the internal procedures and rules of etiquette of the higher education institution;
  • d) for having missed classes for more than 74 hours during a semester without a valid reason;
  • e) due to failure to pay the tuition fee on time (for students studying on a tuition fee contract);
  • j) due to the fact that the student was deprived of liberty by the court;
  • z) in case of violation of the established order of the entrance exams according to the court decision (in this case, those excluded from the ranks of students will not be reinstated in the ranks of students);
  • i) because of death.
  • 24. A student who is unable to master the subjects within the specified period (who has academic debt) is suspended from one course by the order of the rector of the University. A student who has dropped out of a course due to academic debt can start his studies on a fee-contract basis from the beginning of the academic semester of the lower course. Provisions of chapter 8 of the Regulation on the procedure for introducing the credit-module system in the educational process in higher education institutions, approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated December 31, 2020 are used.
  • 25. Expulsion of students at the initiative of the university administration in accordance with sub-clause “d” of paragraph 23 of this Charter is carried out with the written consent of the student union (for students who are members of the union). Also, it can be agreed with the primary organization of the Youth Union of the educational institution, being excluded according to sub-paragraph “v” of Clause 23 of this Charter.
  • 26. A student subject to disciplinary punishment may appeal to the Rector of the University, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education or other authorized organizations with a complaint regarding the legality and fairness of the punishment applied to him. Information about the disciplinary action applied to the student is kept in his personal file. When a student is expelled from the University, he is given personal documents, an academic reference in the prescribed form, and a copy of them is kept in a personal collection folder. Disciplinary measures are applied no later than one month after the discovery of the behavior and no later than six months after the occurrence of the behavior, without taking into account the time of the student’s illness or vacation. Students are prohibited from taking disciplinary action during illness, academic leave, or leave related to pregnancy and childbirth. The fact that the student is sick is reported by him or his parents directly to the dean’s office with a written application, usually within three days, and presents the original of the medical certificate.

b) Listeners:

27. People studying in the regional or branch center of retraining and professional development of pedagogic personnel at the institution are considered listeners. The procedure for training and retraining of personnel, the conditions and rights of trainees are determined by the relevant regulatory legal documents in accordance with the law.

v) Basic doctoral students, doctoral students and independent researchers:

28. Doctor of Philosophy (Doctor of Philosophy) and Doctor of Science (Doctor of (Science) is a basic doctoral student and a doctoral student who is studying in a post-secondary education institute for those seeking scientific degrees. In order to prepare and defend a doctor’s thesis without separating from production, in-depth study of the specialty and in the post-secondary education organized by them for those seeking the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in scientific research. A citizen studying is considered an independent researcher. Forms and terms of training of basic doctoral students, doctoral students and independent researchers, their admission and organization of activities are carried out in accordance with legal documents.

g) Faculty members, teaching assistants and administrative staff (personnel) of the university

29.The university has teaching staff, scientific staff, engineer-technical, administrative-economic, production, teaching assistant and other staff positions. Professor-teachers include the positions of head of the department, professor, associate professor, senior teacher, teacher (assistant) and teacher-intern. 30. Recruitment to the positions of professors and teachers in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 5, 2018 “Additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher education institutions and ensure their active participation in comprehensive reforms implemented in the country on” in accordance with the decision PQ-3775 at the extended open meeting of the relevant department, with the participation of pedagogic personnel and members of the public council, according to the recommendation of this meeting on the results of the trial lesson, dated 10.06.2006 of the Cabinet of Ministers – in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for recruiting teaching staff to higher education institutions on a competitive basis, approved by decision No. 20 of February, it is carried out on the basis of a competitive labor contract. 31.Conclusion, amendment and termination of employment contracts with professors and teachers of the university are carried out in accordance with the current labor legislation.

32. Professors and academic staff have the following rights:

  • electing and being elected to higher education institution and faculty Councils in the prescribed manner;
  • Participation in the discussion of issues related to the university’s activities;
  • Using the services of the university’s information-resource center, educational and scientific departments, as well as the services of social-household, medical and other departments;
  • selection of methods and means of teaching, implementation of scientific research works ensuring high quality of educational and scientific process;
  • addressing the orders and orders of the university administration in accordance with the procedure established by law;
  • participation in competitions, holding positions in accordance with the procedure established by law;
  • getting acquainted with the scientific and educational literature of foreign colleagues and exchanging ideas with them;
  • improving theoretical knowledge, practical experience, method of conducting scientific research, pedagogical skills;
  • guiding students’ scientific research work;
  • conducting scientific research, fundamental, practical and innovative projects, foreign scientific projects and participation in business contracts;
  • preparing textbooks and training manuals, writing monographs and scientific articles, obtaining patents for inventions, obtaining certificates for software products for information and communication technologies;
  • to carry out scientific-research works in accordance with the approved plan, to participate in the discussion of scientific-research works and to introduce their results into production, to recommend the publication of the results of scientific works;
  • creation of scientific and innovative developments and their commercialization;
  • participation in ensuring effective integration of education, science and production;
  • directing students’ scientific-research works;
  • participation in the development of international relations with leading foreign scientists, scientific centers and educational institutions;
  • Use of other rights specified in the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the field of education.

33. Obligations of professors and academic staff are as follows:

  • strict adherence to education legislation, labor and technology discipline, University Charter, Internal Labor Rules, Code of Conduct and anti-corruption program;
  • conscientiously perform one’s official duties and not tarnish the teacher’s honor;
  • to have good relations with employees of the institution, students and other persons with whom he communicates in the course of work;
  • to fulfill the legal orders of the employer, to carry out educational-methodical, scientific and moral-educational work in a timely and quality manner based on a personal plan approved every year, in particular: – carrying out the volume of training loads, training-methodical, scientific, training-organizational work based on the approved personal plan and participating in spiritual-educational work;
  • preparation of textbooks, training manuals, educational literature, scientific articles, monographs, patents for inventions, certificates for software products for information and communication technologies;
  • participation in ensuring the effective integration of education, science and production, leading students’ research work; conducting educational work, directly participating in spiritual and educational work with students, including participation in activities held outside of school hours;
  • participation in scientific topics carried out at the department approved by the University Council;
  • regular improvement of one’s skills;
  • compliance with the rules of labor protection, safety equipment and production sanitation;
  • protecting the property of the university, using it wisely;
  • to compensate the employer for actual material damage caused directly by his own fault;
  • participation in university public affairs;
  • ensuring the effectiveness of the pedagogical and scientific process;
  • in the conditions of modern civilization and democracy, formation of high professional training, ability to work, according to the chosen direction (specialty);
  • knowledge of at least one or two foreign languages based on improving literacy in foreign languages and information technologies;
  • formation of independent thinking, initiative, systematic analysis and creative thinking in students;
  • participating in the “Master-disciple” system, carrying out scientific, spiritual-educational, educational work with the students assigned to him;
  • to be an example with one’s manners, culture, spiritual level;
  • compliance with dress code;
  • unconditional compliance with the internal rules of the approved Jizzakh State Pedagogical University;
  • to be aware of the reforms implemented in the republic and news happening in the world;
  • active participation in cultural, spiritual, educational events organized by the university, faculty, department;
  • to enrich the science program he teaches on the basis of regular scientific and technical achievements;
  • pass classes at a high level;
  • finding new sources related to the field of science and introducing students to them;
  • before the beginning of each academic year, to develop the working curriculum, calendar plan and rating control table of the subject(s) taught by him and approve it at the department meeting;
  • conducting rating events on time;
  • objective assessment of student knowledge;
  • application of new pedagogical technologies in the course of the lesson;
  • increase scientific potential and pedagogical skills;
  • directing student scientific-research works;
  • to have information and ideas about existing problems in the production enterprise and institutions in his specialty and to have a research topic related to the solution of existing problems in the production process;
  • to have own or co-authored developments and technologies based on the topic of research;
  • publication of republican scientific journals in international scientific and technical databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, Science direct, Thomson Reuters;
  • to improve qualifications or undergo an internship at relevant higher education institutions and production enterprises in the field of specialty;
  • active participation in the reforms implemented in the higher education system.
34. The expenses of foreign business trips of university professors and employees are paid by the order of the Minister of Finance No. 92 dated October 19, 2015 “Based on the norms of business trip expenses of employees of ministries, agencies, enterprises and organizations in foreign currency. 35. The teaching staff of the university provides a guarantee of professional development at least once every three years. 36. The rights and obligations of the university’s administrative-economic, engineering-technical, teaching assistant and other service employees are determined by the university’s Internal Labor Procedures, Code of Ethics, anti-corruption program and job instructions..

IV. Educational and scientific-methodical affairs

37. The university provides training in the following types of education based on educational programs in the following areas and specialties:

  • higher education;
  • graduate education;
  • additional education (retraining and professional development of personnel).
  • The university provides training of highly qualified personnel in the fields of undergraduate education and master’s degrees of higher education. In the institution, general secondary (eleven-year education), secondary special (nine-year basic secondary and two-year secondary special education), primary professional education ( persons who received nine-year basic secondary and two-year primary professional education), as well as secondary special education until the Law No. 637 “On Education” came into force , persons who have received vocational education (nine-year general secondary and three-year secondary special, vocational education) receive higher education. The main programs of education at the university are carried out at the following two levels: bachelor’s and master’s. A bachelor’s degree is a basic higher education that provides in-depth knowledge, skills and abilities in one of the areas of higher education, and the duration of study is at least 3 (three) years. Pedagogical personnel training in the bachelor’s fields of higher education at the university can be carried out in full-time, part-time (special part-time) and evening (shift) forms. “Preschool Education”, “Music Culture”, “Physical Culture”, “Technological Education”, “Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics” and “Conscript Military Education” personnel training is carried out within the framework of undergraduate educational programs with a duration of 3 (three) years. Graduates who have completed the bachelor’s program are awarded the degree of “Bachelor” in the field of education based on the results of the state certification and are awarded a diploma of the state model. A master’s degree is a higher education with a duration of at least 1 (one) year of study in a specific specialty on the basis of a relevant bachelor’s degree. Graduates who have successfully completed the Master’s program are awarded the “Master’s” degree in a specific specialty based on the results of the state attestation and are awarded a diploma of the state model. Bachelor’s and master’s diplomas of the state model give their holders the right to engage in professional activities or to continue studying at the next stages of educational institutions in accordance with the chosen field of study and specialty.
  • 38. The organization of the educational process at the university is regulated by the educational plans, training programs, qualification requirements developed by the university and approved on the basis of professional standards, the annual calendar training schedule and training schedule approved by the rector of the university. Organization of the educational process by targeting, that is, by choosing educational forms, methods and tools, creating the necessary conditions for students of the University to master the main professional educational programs of higher education. The unity of education and upbringing is provided on the basis of state educational standards, qualification requirements, curriculum and science programs of higher education.
  • 39. The following main types of educational activities are defined at the university: lecture, practical, laboratory, seminar, course work, webinar, qualification practice (4+2), graduation qualification work, internship and master’s thesis. An academic hour of 80 minutes is set for all types of classroom training. The break between classes is at least 10 minutes. The languages of education and training are: Uzbek, Russian and Kazakh.
  • 40. Personnel training at the university is carried out with or without separation from production. State education standards and qualification requirements that developed in accordance with the established procedure for all forms of education within the framework of the basic professional education program of higher education and was state registered in the Technical Regulatory Agency of Uzbekistan under the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan. state education standards and competency requirements are applied.
  • 41. The academic year at the university is divided into two semesters, and in each of them, students’ learning is conducted in the form of rating control. Transfer of learning students from course to course is carried out by the order of the rector based on the recommendation of the dean of the faculty. Conditional transfer of students from course to course is prohibited. Regulation on the adoption of educational programs of the institution, the system of monitoring and evaluation of student knowledge in higher education institutions (list number 3069, September 26, 2018) and the Cabinet of Ministers dated 31.02.2020 is regulated in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for introducing the credit-module system into the educational process in higher education institutions, approved by the decision No. 824 of December. The final state certification at the university is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on the final state certification of graduates of higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan (list number 1963, June 5, 2009).
  • 42. The university conducts scientific-methodological works aimed at increasing the quality of training of specialists due to the use of advanced pedagogical and information technologies, individualization of education and independent learning tools, module system and distance education.
  • 43. Post-secondary education: post-secondary education at the university Higher and secondary special education in accordance with the “List of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff specialties” approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers based on the permission of the Ministry of Education, it is carried out through internship-research, basic doctoral studies, doctoral studies and independent research. Post-higher education relations are approved by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Science and Scientific Activities”, Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 304 dated May 22, 2017. It is regulated by the Regulation on education and the Cabinet of Ministers’ decision No. 606 of July 19, 2019 “On improving the system of targeted training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel”.
  • 44. Admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons (with the exception of stateless persons residing in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan) to the University of post-secondary education is carried out on the basis of tuition fee in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and international agreements.
  • 45. Non-citizens living in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan are admitted to universities of post-secondary education with equal rights to citizens.
  • 46. In addition to the quotas allocated by the university from the budget funds, the university can form an additional admission quota for the areas of need at the expense of the applicant’s fee-contract funds. The amount of the payment contract is determined by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.
  • 47. Decree No. PF-5789 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 27, 2019 “On the introduction of a system of continuous professional development of managers and pedagogues of higher educational institutions” and Cabinet of Ministers dated September 23, 2019 In accordance with the decision No. 797 “On additional measures to further improve the qualification system of managers and pedagogues of higher education institutions, professional training programs for retraining and qualification improvement of personnel have been implemented.

Scientific research is financed by the following funds:

  • state budget funds allocated for fundamental, practical and innovative research in the important areas of science, technology and culture;
  • funds of sectoral ministries, agencies, enterprises, associations, etc., including foreign organizations, on the basis of a contract.

V. Composition of the university

48. In the structure of the University, in accordance with the model staff of management, technical, service and educational support staff of higher education institutions (list number 2859, February 21, 2017) according to all the requirements, according to the order established in the structure of the University include faculties, departments, scientific and educational laboratories, departments, departments, centers and museums that can be added and changed.

a) Faculties:

No Name
1 Mathematics and computer science
2 Foreign languages
3 Pedagogy and psychology
4 Preschool education
5 Physical and technological education
6 History
7 Natural sciences
8 Uzbek language and literature
9 Primary education
10 Musical culture
11 Russian language and literature
12 Physical culture
13 Faculty of Medicine

Interfaculty departments of general education:

No Name
1 Distance education in natural and exact sciences
2 Distance education in social and humanitarian sciences
3 Distance education in pre-school and elementary courses
4 Distance education in the fields of pedagogy-psychology and music

b) Departments:

No Name
1 Department of Mathematics Teaching Methodology
2 Department of General Mathematics
3 Department of Informatics and its teaching methodology
4 Department of Information Technologies in Education
5 Department of chemistry and its teaching methodology
6 Department of Geography and Basics of Economic Knowledge
7 Department of biology and teaching methods
8 Department of Physiology and Ecology
9 Mathematics teaching methodology
10 Department of teaching methods of Uzbek literature
11 Uzbek language teaching methodology department
12 Department of Uzbek language and literature
13 Department of theory and practice of primary education
14 Department of Primary Education Methodology
15 Department of history and teaching methods
16 Department of philosophy, education and legal education
17 Department of technological education
18 Department of Physics and its Teaching Methodology
19 Department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics
20 Department of English practical course
21 Department of English language teaching methodology
22 Department of English Theory and Practice

b) Departments:

No Name
23 Department of foreign languages in natural sciences
24 Department of foreign languages in social humanities
25 Department of Russian literature and teaching methods
26 Department of Russian language and its teaching methods
27 Department of theory and methodology of physical culture
28 Department of Sports Teaching Methodology
29 Department of educational theory of pedagogy
30 Department of general pedagogy
31 Department of special pedagogy
32 Department of General Psychology
33 Department of school management
34 Department of Preschool Education Methodology
35 Department of physical education in preschool and primary education
36 Department of Music Education
37 Department of vocal and instrumental performance
38 Department of general professional sciences
39 Department of distance education in social and humanitarian sciences
40 Department of distance education in the fields of pedagogy, psychology and music
41 Department of distance education in pre-school and primary directions
42 Department of Distance Education in Natural and Exact Sciences

v) Administrative department, department, academic lyceum and technical schools:

No Name
1 Educational and methodological department
2 Graduate Department
3 Educational and methodological support department
4 Office of the Registrar
5 External department
6 Center for Digital Learning Technologies
7 Information resource center
8 Department of Marketing and Dual Education
9 Interfaculty departments of general education
10 Qualification assessment center
11 Department coordinating joint educational programs in cooperation with foreign higher education institutions
12 Department of work with youth, spirituality and enlightenment
13 Student dormitory
14 Department for coordination of student housing
15 Psychologist
16 Museum “Memorial of Repression Victims”
17 Department of scientific research, innovation and scientific-pedagogical personnel training
18 Department of organization of scientific-research activities of talented students
19 Editorial and publishing department
20 International rating and index department
No Name
1 Department of commercialization of scientific and innovative developments
2 Department of Planning and Finance
3 Accounting
4 Department of technical use and economy
5 Department of technical means of teaching
6 Department of civil and labor protection
7 Chief Energetician
8 Chief engineer
9 Educational practice base
10 Auditor General
11 Department of working with appeals of natural and legal entities, control and monitoring
12 Anti-corruption “compliance-control” system management department
13 Department of International Cooperation
14 Personnel department
15 Education quality control department
16 Sections 1 and 2
17 Depository and archive
18 Depository and archive
19 Press secretary
20 Legal service

49. The following organizational structures with the status of a legal entity and an independent balance sheet operate under the university: Mirzachol Agro-Industrial Technical College, Gallaorol  Service Technical College, and Academic Lyceum.

VI. University management

50. The management of the university is carried out on the basis of the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the principle of harmonizing public management through individual leadership and the Council of the higher education institution in accordance with this Charter.

51. Direct management of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University is carried out in accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 11, 2019 No. PQ-4391, on the recommendation of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in agreement with the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ministers. It is carried out by the Rector of the University, who is appointed and dismissed by the Cabinet. The Rector is fully responsible for the activities of the higher education institution, as well as for the University’s Charter, Work Regulations, Internal Labor Procedure Rules and Code of Conduct, the Regulation on Higher Education, and the obligations set forth in this Charter. According to the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Rector works on behalf of the University without a power of attorney, participates as its representative in all offices, institutions, enterprises, is responsible for the property of the University, concludes contracts, issues power of attorney, higher education in banking institutions opens the account numbers of the institution-University, issues orders on the use of financial resources in the established order.

Within the authority of the rector of the university:

  • issue orders and assign tasks that are binding on university professors and teachers, all employees, students and other students;
  • appoints and dismisses faculty deans, heads of departments and departments, the chief accountant, and determines their specific duties and responsibilities;
  • determines the tasks of curatorship-leadership of vice-rectors in their directions over the organization of work in the activity of technical schools;
  • recommends candidates for the position of vice-rectors of the university and determines specific duties and responsibilities of vice-rectors, deans;
  • concludes and terminates employment contracts with university employees in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers;
  • determines the tasks of scientific research, experimental and other organizations and units that are part of the university, approves the regulations on them;
  • determines bonuses and additions to the salaries of university employees in the established manner;
  • in agreement with the trade union committee or another authorized body of the University, approves the rules of the Internal Labor Procedure and the Code of Conduct;
  • funds and salary fund allocated in accordance with the model staff units at the University, approved number of University employees and position salaries, approves the staff unit of University professors and other employees of the University within the framework of the definition and determines position salaries;
  • approves decisions to open or close faculties, departments in accordance with the relevant regulatory legal documents in accordance with the recommendation of the University Council;
  • according to the recommendation of the University Council, based on the requirements of the model Regulation on the chair of the higher education institution, the chairs are established or terminated;
  • ensures execution of other tasks in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and legal documents on the management of the educational process and determined by the competent authorities.
The rector of the university is not allowed to work on a substitute basis in the higher education institution where he works and in other paid leadership positions (except for scientific and scientific-methodical leadership). The rector may not perform his duties on an alternate basis. In accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 11, 2019 “On measures to introduce new principles of management into the system of higher and secondary special education” No. PQ-4391 and is appointed and dismissed by the Minister of secondary special education, in which: the Central Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, a candidate for the position of vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual and educational affairs; the candidate for the position of vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations shall be agreed with the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Dean of the Faculty is appointed and dismissed by the Rector of the University. 52. In accordance with the Regulation on Higher Education, the Council is established to deal with the main issues of the University’s activities. The composition of the council is approved by the order of the rector. Rector, vice-rectors are members of the Council according to their position. The number of members to be elected to the council is determined by the rector’s order and they are elected from faculty deans, heads of departments, heads of structural units, professors and teachers. The authority of the Council, the procedure for its election and operation are determined by the Model Regulation on the Council of the Higher Education Institution approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

53. The activity of Scientific Councils awarding Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science degrees can be organized at the institution.

VII. Public organizations

54. A Public Council will be established, consisting of students, parents, youth union activists in the institution, staff recruiters, professors and teachers, and representatives of civil society institutions in order to introduce effective public control in the institution In accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 5, 2018 PQ-3775.

The main tasks of public councils:

  • to systematically monitor the quality of education, the knowledge and pedagogical skills of professors, and the conditions created for students;
  • to give recommendations on the candidates who are being recruited to the university as professors and teachers;
  • considering students’ appeals, conducting social surveys in order to fully study their opinion about teaching staff;
  • preparing proposals for improving the educational process at the university and submitting them to the discussion of the relevant board of the institution.

55. Trade union and other public organizations operate in the university. In order to protect the labor rights and interests of professors, teachers and employees, the central council of the trade union and their elected representatives in the institution conduct their work on the basis of current legislation..

The rights of the competent bodies of students and employees and the obligations of the higher education institution – University administration in relation to them are as follows:

  • to observe the rights of employee representative bodies, to support their activities;
  • before making decisions affecting the interests of employees, to consult with their representative bodies, and in cases specified in labor laws and other regulatory documents, to obtain their consent;
  • consider the proposals of employee representative bodies in a timely manner and give them a reasoned written answer about the decisions made;
  • to place the members of the representative bodies of employees in the enterprise, in the workplaces of the employees whose interests are expressed without hindrance;
  • providing free information on labor, University activities and other socio-economic issues to representative bodies of employees;
  • to create necessary conditions for employees’ representative bodies to perform their duties;
  • fulfillment of other obligations stipulated by labor laws and other regulatory documents in relation to employee representative bodies.

In accordance with the current statutes, scientific innovative and voluntary societies and centers, scientific-methodical, scientific-technical councils and commissions, councils of young scientists, etc. may be established at the University. The Rectorate and the Council consider the recommendations of public organizations of the University in their activities and take them into account in their activities.

VIII. University faculties

56. University faculties are headed by a dean appointed by the rector. The person holding the position of dean is considered to be a person holding an independent staff position and is not allowed to occupy it in the order of succession. The dean of the faculty adheres to this Statute, “Regulations on the Faculty of the Higher Education Institution” in his activities. In accordance with the “Regulations on the faculty of the higher education institution”, the Council may be established at the faculty. The composition, powers, formation and procedure of the Council are determined by the Regulation “On the Council of the Faculty of the Higher Education Institution”. The activity of the department is headed by the head elected by the Council of the University on the basis of a selection process in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. The powers of the head of the department and the order of the department’s activity are determined by the “Regulation on the department of the higher educational institution”.

IX. Financial activity and material and technical base

57. Buildings, constructions, property complexes, as well as necessary for consumption, social, cultural and other purposes are granted to the University by the state for the purpose of carrying out the activities provided for by the Law “On Education” and this Charter, with the condition of indefinite use. The properties were attached in the prescribed manner with the formalization of relevant documents. The university maintains an independent balance sheet and owns its fixed assets. Pursuant to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017 “On measures for the further development of the higher education system” No. based on decisions. Land plots allocated to the university are attached for indefinite and indiscriminate (free) use. 58. Funds, property and other property objects given to the University by physical and legal persons as a gift, gift or bequest, intellectual property and creative products that are the result of the University’s activities, as well as income received through its activities and are given the right to own property that can be purchased from these revenues. 59. The University has the right to operate as a property lessor and property lessor. The University may lease buildings, structures and their parts, equipment, vehicles and other assets, the lease of which is not against the law, at fixed prices, without the right to dispose of them in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Regulation “On the procedure for leasing state property” approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 102 dated April 8, 2009. The appropriate part of the funds received as rent is used for the development of the material and technical base of the University.

The following are sources of funding for University activities:

  • funds of the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • funds from teaching undergraduate and graduate students on the basis of a fee-contract form;
  • foreign currency funds received from the training of foreign citizens on the basis of payment-contract form to the currency account of the University;
  • budget organization development fund funds;
  • funds allocated for fundamental, practical and innovative research based on the results of grant contests held by the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of state scientific and technical programs;
  • all funds received from the organization of paid courses and the provision of other types of services;
  • grants from international financial organizations;
  • charitable donations and targeted contributions of individuals and legal entities;
  • commercialization of scientific, educational and other innovative developments carried out in the activities of the University, as well as funds received from the lease of the property of the University, through the provision of services allowed by law on the basis of the contract;
  • other funds not prohibited by law.
60. From the main activities of the university, it is possible to carry out paid service activities in education and other fields in an unlimited manner. The entrepreneurial activity of the university must be in accordance with the tasks defined in its charter. University has the right to participate in the charter fund of the entities, societies and companies that manage the economy with the University’s own property, setting prices for paid educational services, consultations and other services, disposing of the remaining income after taxes and mandatory payments stipulated by law. The provision of paid educational services by the institution cannot be carried out within the framework of educational activities at the expense of funds allocated from the budget and instead of it. The University independently resolves issues related to the conclusion of contracts, determination of obligations and other conditions that do not conflict with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and this Constitution. 61.Salaries of positions at the university are determined in accordance with the regulatory legal documents “On remuneration for the work of employees of higher education institutions”. The university employee is paid for the performance of his/her functional duties and the work stipulated in the employment contract. The amount of additional salary, bonuses, material support and other financial incentives within the framework of the University’s independent wage fund is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 177 of September 20, 1995 on the regulation “On the special fund for financial incentives for employees of budget institutions and organizations” and approved by Resolution No. 517 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 27, 2020 on the regulations “On the procedure for financial incentives for professors and teachers and other categories of employees of higher education institutions of the Republic with extra-budgetary funds”.

62. Allocates rooms necessary for the activities of public organizations established in the university. In order to provide social support to students, a medical center, a catering facility (kitchen, buffet) will be built and operated in the capacity of providing services to students. These facilities are provided with heating, lighting and water supply. In addition to the organization of meals for students at preferential prices in the public catering facilities (kitchen, buffet), students in need of social protection are served at preferential prices up to 50% based on the recommendation of the primary organization of the University Youth Union and the trade union committee. Funds from the lease of the leased property for the organization of the University canteens and canteens are transferred in full to the University’s development fund, after deducting the fee of the operator of the electronic trading platform. Construction, repair, reconstruction of relevant buildings at the university and their financial support are carried out in accordance with the law, at the expense of the state budget and extra-budgetary (payment-contract) funds and on the basis of public-private partnership.

X. International cooperation

63. The university has the right to establish mutually beneficial cooperation relations with educational and scientific centers of foreign countries, international foundations and other organizations in accordance with the decision PQ-2909 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017 “On measures to further develop the higher education system” and Decree No. PF-5847 of October 8, 2019 “On approval of the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030” and the Charter. Education, retraining and upgrading of foreign citizens at the university, as well as implementation of pedagogical and scientific research work of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher educational institution in foreign countries. agreements concluded between the relevant bodies, as well as the agreements (agreements, memoranda) of the University with educational and scientific centers of foreign countries, international foundations and other organizations concluded in accordance with the law, foreign citizens and foreign legal entities is carried out on the basis of contracts.

64. In accordance with Articles 67 and 68 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education”, the University cooperates with educational institutions and organizations of relevant foreign countries through:

  • development of scientific and technical cooperation on educational issues;
  • establishment of joint faculties, educational centers and scientific laboratories;
  • preparation of international level joint education and research projects and programs;
  • implementation of fundamental and scientific-research projects in cooperation;
  • conducting scientific-practical seminars, conferences and symposiums;
  • exchange of students, masters, pedagogues and scientific staff and internships;
  • introduction of double diploma programs based on joint programs and international agreements;
  • other activities in accordance with the law.
65. International cooperation in the field of education is carried out in accordance with international agreements and legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 66. The University has the right to engage in directed foreign economic activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the university fulfills the tasks stipulated in this Charter and the Law “On Education” and the Concept of the Development of the Higher Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, as well as the development of international relations. 67. Training of personnel for joint educational programs based on cooperation agreements with foreign higher education institutions. In this case, they have the right to be admitted within the framework of payment-contractual quotas established in cooperation agreements of foreign higher education institutions. 68. Foreign currency and material incomes of the university from foreign economic activities are used to ensure the activities specified in its Charter in accordance with the law.

69. The rector of the university is sent on a business trip to foreign countries with the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers based on the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 5, 2014 No. PQ-2142.

XI. Final Rules

70. The university and its officials are responsible for the following in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

  • failure to complete the volume of educational programs in accordance with the curriculum and schedules during the educational process;
  • failure to ensure the safety of life and health of students, trainees, doctoral students, pedagogues and other employees of the University during the educational process;
  • cases of violations of the rights and freedoms and legal interests of students, pedagogues and employees of the University;
  • for other illegal actions stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
71. Reorganization and termination of the university is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Amendments or additions to the Charter of the University are carried out in accordance with the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education. 72. After approval by the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, this Charter shall be registered and put into effect in accordance with the established procedure.